Often privacy is a major concern of middle-aged and often older adults when they think about how their assets should be distributed to others after they are gone. Sometimes there is initially an element of trust involved – with whom can I discuss my plans in confidence so that I am certain that things will turn out as I envision them? On other occasions, an individual simply wants feedback about the plans that have been made. Whatever the case, you can be sure that our discussions are confidential, and your decisions are protected from disclosure by a legally binding relationship.
It is important that everyone be sufficiently informed to match his or her estate planning efforts with the ever-changing probate and tax laws to obtain the most appropriate results. That’s why a periodic review of your Last Will and Testament and related documents is so vital to keeping your estate in order. Also, consider the recent growth of the digital and electronic asset industry and the impact that it will have on locating and gaining access to one’s social accounts and cyber currencies. In today’s constantly changing environment, you need and must have up-to-date legal advice.
Planning for the future is smart. It is wise because if you do not plan, the State of Kentucky has laws that were made long ago that will be applied for the administration of your estate and the distribution of your assets. You can also avoid your estate having to pay additional expenses and possibly more taxes by estate planning. Beneficiaries can be spared the cost and time of bickering about their inheritance by restricting their right to do so. It just makes good sense to be smart and to prepare your estate plan.
Contact us online or call today at 502-558-8576.